Saturday, July 5, 2008

I saw these two chickens strolling through our backyard today.  It looks like they're having a conversation here.  Maybe it's one of those "Why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes.


Anonymous said...

LOL, nice shot

Jenny said...

Your dad sent me. *lol*

Love the chickens shot. You have some really nice photographs, and I hope you can keep up your one-a-day project. (Pssst. Keep a few shots stashed so you have some wiggle-room when pressed for time.) The more you do, the more you will progress.

Did you know that once a general goal for professional photographers was three good shots from a 36-exposure roll? Relax and enjoy your photography.

Bill said...

I know what the chicken on the right is saying, in answer to the Why did the chicken cross the road?question "With a friend along I'm not chicken any longer!"
Corny, I know.

Prynce Gary said...

this shot look cool lol