Sunday, September 7, 2008

Captions First!

Dad has suggested using a caption list to inspire my photography for the week.  Frankly, I think it's a splendid idea.  

Here are some captions from which I may choose:

-Well, you don't see that everyday!
-A scene that inspires poetry and song
-Yet further evidence that global warming is rampant
-Why, that's a rather large ____!

As you can see, I need a few more captions.  I'm enlisting the help of my fan base (yeah, all nine of you!) to suggest captions.  If I choose yours, well, there won't be a prize, but you'll be able to claim that you had some part (albeit minor) in making one of the least popular blogs on the Web!


tammy said...

i'm going to go wash my hands now.

chuck norris eats these for breakfast.

someone has a case of the mondays.

rainbows and butterflies.

if i had one i'd use it.

so i went for bulk rather than quality.

JMB said...

Thanks, Tammy! These are great. I'll be using them over the next few days.